Germs spread disease and breed anywhere. Recent studies have shown the growth of the computer revealed as a hotbed of germs.
Beradasarkan on a new study that developed during this time, the computer is expressed as a hotbed of germs growing. Really?
A study says computer technology that has helped you in your work, may also be a potential breeding ground for germs.
"Especially if the computer is used not only by yourself, but it also must be different with other colleagues," said the researcher.
According to Prof. Enzo Palombo, Swinburner scientists from the University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, who conducted the research, a computer in the office, cafe or computer lab that is often used by many people is the most potential for microorganisms to grow and multiply.
Palombo explained, the risk of bacterial infection higher if your computer equipment is rarely cleaned. From the results of tests performed on a number of computers at a college, it was found that almost half of the keyboard containing the bacteria Staphylococcus.
According to him, the keyboard is often at risk of changing hands contain five times the amount mikrooarganisme coming from one person. Imagine if more than one person using the keyboard. how many microorganisms that will move your body?
Although this type of bacteria is harmless when it hits the skin, but can cause serious infection if it enters the body.
"Keyboards and other equipment in direct contact with the hand area, such as a mouse, should be cleaned regularly to eradicate germs. Especially when the computer is often used by many workers in the office," he concluded.
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